Category: Uncategorized

How Can Parent's Rights Keep My Ex-spouse From Hiding My Kids?

Every parent has equal rights to the custody, time, love of their children but sometimes, what happens is that parent’s interfere with the rights of the other parent to have time. Traditionally, or more often it seems, that this has been mom’s keeping kids away from the dad’s. If this is happening to you, it’s […]

VIDEO – Prenuptial Agreements for Gay and Lesbian Clients

Now that gay and lesbian individuals have the right to marry, a lot of my older gay and lesbian clients have been coming to me with questions that are covered in this video. For compassionate, knowledgeable legal representation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, call our office today.

What Is It Like Going Through a Divorce Hearing?

Hello. I’m Susan, a paralegal, and today I want to talk to you about what you might experience when you go to a court hearing, whether it’s divorce, custody or child support. There are a whole lot of things to think about. Hopefully your lawyer or your paralegal is going to prepare you for those […]

What Are Father's Rights or Parent's Rights in New Mexico?

So what are fathers rights? There are no such thing as fathers rights, it’s parents rights. Every parent has equal rights to the custody, time, love of their children. For compassionate, knowledgeable legal representation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, call our office today.

Should I Pay for a Legal Consultation?

Hi, I’m Susan, the paralegal. I’d like to talk to you about paid versus free legal consultations. I’m the one that answers the phone most of the time, and talks to potential clients who always ask me if it’s a free consultation. Here’s how I’d like to explain it. It goes like this: You get […]

How to Save Money on Your Divorce Case When the Opposition Is Hostile

Hi, I’m Susan, the paralegal, and I want to talk to you about how your case costs can be driven up when the other side is hostile, when there’s high conflict. This would involve conflict or hostility either from the adverse, which is the person on the other side. If it’s a divorce it might […]

How a Good Paralegal Can Actually Help Your Case and Save Your Money

Hi, my name is Susan and I’m the paralegal. Today I want to talk to you about how a good paralegal can actually help your case and save you money. For more information about filing for divorce, how divorce works, or any other family law matters in New Mexico, call us today!

How Does Child Support Work In New Mexico?

Hi. Today we’re going to talk about child support. What exactly does it depend on? Well, first of all, child support is computed on a formula and it is based upon your gross income. Today we are going to talk about child support. What exactly does child support depend on? Well, first of all, child […]

What Does A Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Do?

So, what’s a GAL? You’re in the middle of a very contentious divorce, the custody of your children is an issue, and someone in the courtroom says, “We ought to appoint a GAL.” Well, GAL is a Guardian Ad Litem, and the Guardian Ad Litem is the attorney for your child, or children, specifically for […]

5 Reasons A Bride and Groom Should Consider a Prenuptial Agreement

Prenuptial agreements (prenups) are considered by many to be necessary precautions taken in the event of a divorce. Arranging a customized prenup does not mean that your marriage is going to necessarily end in divorce. However, it does mean that both you and your spouse will be happier in the event that something unexpected does […]