Category: family law

Things to Consider When Writing A Parenting Plan

No matter where you live, custody can be a tough issue. In New Mexico divorces, this tends to be one of the most hotly debated areas next to property and debt division. Even if you and your spouse are still getting along, problems can arise over custody and parenting time simply because your children are […]

False Assumptions About Child Custody Cases

Child custody is one of the most emotional and challenging parts of a family law case. When you’re facing a child custody dispute in New Mexico, you’re naturally going to be worried, concerned, and afraid, and you’ll likely experience a whole range of emotions along with stress. To prepare yourself and take some of the […]

Common Fears Children Experience When They Learn Their Parents Are Divorcing

When children are part of a New Mexico divorce, things immediately become more complicated. As a parent, you naturally want to calm your child’s worries, but it can be difficult to tell what your child actually knows about divorce. Their exposure so far in life may be limited to what they have heard from friends […]

Three Things You Will Learn In Co-Parenting Class

When you’re going to separate or divorce in New Mexico, you’ve got a lot of things to worry about. As as parent, it’s only natural that chief among your concerns is your children and how they will handle the process and all the big changes in their lives. Luckily, there a lot of steps you […]

Grandparent Rights In New Mexico Post-Divorce

A divorce can take its toll on even the best of families, and this can leave grandparents feeling concerned about their grandchildren for many reasons. If one spouse is awarded full custody of a child, his or her grandparents may worry that they will no longer have access to their grandchild. However, grandparents do have […]

Tips For Successful Co-Parenting

There are a lot of challenges in raising children between two different homes after you’ve separated or started the divorce process in New Mexico. While you and your co-parent likely agree that you want your children to be raised so that they are happy and healthy, it’s the fine details that could become a contention […]

Back To School Co-Parenting Tips

When your kids head back to school, it can be a stressful event even if they don’t mind going. There is the  school supply shopping, doctor’s appointments and schedule changes that occur with preparing for the school year. When you add in a big change over the summer, such as your New Mexico divorce or […]

Co-Parenting Tips For Dealing With Financial Matters

As divorcing co-parents in New Mexico, you may have already dealt with stress and confusion when it comes to working with your co-parent to decide how to handle reimbursements and shared expenses for costs related to your children. Money tends to be a sensitive subject, and even the most ideal co-parenting situation can suffer when […]

Factors To Consider With A Military Divorce

Divorce in New Mexico can get complicated under the best of circumstances, and if one or both spouses are members of the Armed Forces, it can be even more complex. If you or your spouse are divorcing and one or both of you is in the military, it’s important to seek legal advice from an […]

Managing A Child's Healthcare After Divorce

A child’s health is always a significant concern for his or her parents. In a New Mexico divorce, the question of how to handle a child’s medical care should not be a mystery, but some issues surrounding it can cause confusion. It’s extremely important for you and your co-parent to manage healthcare decisions for your […]