Category: divorce lawyer

Communication Documentation And Divorce

When you decide to divorce in New Mexico, it can be scary at first for a lot of reasons. For starters, it’s likely that you’ve never done this before, so you don’t have the knowledge you would like to navigate it. Whether you are considering divorce right now or are already in the process, one […]

Dealing With Communication Issues During And After Divorce

Communication during and after a New Mexico divorce can become really complicated, and especially difficult when there are kids involved. You may not have a problem getting in contact with your former spouse, having clear, productive conversations can be another matter entirely. Sometimes, this devolves into a patterns of long-winded emails or vague, frustrating text […]

Divorce Mediation in New Mexico

Divorce mediation is an option in New Mexico, and it can be a great way for you to settle your divorce without having to have a judge decide crucial matters for you. In mediation, an independent third party will work with you and your spouse to help you come to a settlement agreement. You can […]

Six Tips For Living Together During A Divorce

One popular myth about divorce perpetuated by movies, TV shows and books is that once the divorce papers have been filed, one of the spouses immediately must move out of the home the couple shared. While one spouse certainly can move out if he or she decides to do so, it’s not a requirement. The […]

Understanding Divorce Papers In New Mexico

If you were recently served divorce papers in New Mexico, the first thing you should do is take a deep breath and keep calm. Next, find a place to sit down and look over the papers once just for any dates or times for hearings or deadlines for responses. Then, go back over the papers […]

What You Need To Know About the "Schedule of Asset and Debts"

In any divorce in New Mexico, there comes a time when you have to deal with finances. In this state’s family law, there is a rule known as 1-123 that requires divorcing couples to disclose their finances in detail on a forms known as the “Schedule of Asset and Debts.” Keep reading to learn more about […]

Dividing Assets During A Divorce

When you are looking to get a divorce or are in the middle of one, it’s important to identify all of the assets you and your spouse have. This is so the court, or you and your spouse, can divide the assets in an equal way. Unfortunately, one or both spouses hiding assets in a divorce […]

Military Family Law and Child Custody Information

While it is common knowledge that around half of all marriages end in divorce, what many people do not know is that the rate is slightly higher for members of the Armed Forces. As the rate of military divorces increases, so does the number of child custody cases, and this has brought issues specific to […]

The Difference Between Negotiated, Litigated And Collaborative Divorce

Unfortunately, many marriages in the US end in divorce. In fact, the American Psychological Association estimates that anywhere from 40 to 50 percent of couples divorce ( Naturally, with all of the divorces that happen every year, including in New Mexico, the approaches have evolved. These days, there are three general categories a divorce may […]

How To Help An Adopted Child Cope With Divorce

Divorce is hard on children in general, but there can be another layer of difficultly in the case of adopted children. The loss of a family unit can serve to amplify some of the tough emotions adoptees are already dealing with. Adopted kids often struggle with the idea of whether they “belong” in a family, […]