3 Reasons Why You Should Wait to Date Until Your Divorce Is Finalized
If you were faithful during your marriage, waiting a few weeks or months more to date after your divorce won’t make much of a difference. That small amount of self-discipline right now can save you a lot of hassle and trouble down the road. However, if you are feeling tempted to date before your divorce […]
December 11, 2019
Creating a Parent Profile Before Adopting a Child
On your path to becoming an adoptive parent, there are a lot of important steps to take. Your attorney will help you with the legal documents and procedures of adoption, but there are some things you will largely handle on your own. One very important task that falls under the “do-it-yourself” banner is the creation […]
November 30, 2019
Understanding Prenuptial Agreements
Over the years, you’ve probably heard of prenuptial agreements–also known as prenups–from various high-profile divorces and in movies and TV shows. However, you may be wondering if they are legally binding, and if so, whether they are something you should get. Here’s what to know about prenups as you consider your options before marriage. They’ve […]
November 28, 2019
Deciding What to Do with the Family Home During a Divorce
You will have to make several financial decisions as part of your divorce, and when you own a home, deciding how to handle it will be one of the most challenging tasks you and your spouse will undertake. A house is expensive to keep and fully maintain, and the changes in finances that divorce brings […]
November 23, 2019
How to Approach Parenting Before Custody Is Decided in Court
It’s very easy to try to make decisions as fast as possible after a divorce or legal separation, and one area where people tend to do this is child custody. Before you make any decisions in this area, speak to an experienced family law attorney and consider the following mistakes to avoid. Setting a Poor […]
November 19, 2019
How to Approach the Wedding Ring During Your Divorce
Once you have decided to get divorced, you’ll suddenly be faced with several logistical, financial and legal issues to resolve. One of these is what to do with your wedding ring, something that can be so awkward that some couples avoid the subject entirely. However, this can make any lingering resentment between you and your […]
November 17, 2019
3 Situations You Should Avoid as a Co-Parent
One of the most fundamental co-parenting rules is to never place your child in the middle of adult responsibilities and concerns. Unfortunately, it’s very common in post-divorce and post-separation scenarios, and many parents don’t even realize it’s happening. Using a child as a messenger, for example, is an error many co-parents make, particularly in the […]
November 14, 2019
Understand This If You Decide to Date Before Your Divorce Is Complete
Deciding to date before your New Mexico divorce becomes final is a tricky call to make, particularly because it’s not necessarily “right” or “wrong” to do so. Everyone moves on at different speeds and in different ways, so some people will take longer to get back into the dating scene than others. Nevertheless, it’s important […]
October 27, 2019
Common Myths About Adoption
Adopting a new child in New Mexico can be an exciting and trying time. It’s exciting because you are growing your family, but trying since the process can be complex and long. Having an experienced family law attorney on your side for an adoption goes a long way, and so does the level of your […]
October 25, 2019
Important Factors You Should Consider Before Filing for a Divorce
Before you file for divorce, there are a lot of things you need to think about. While some, like where you will live, are obvious, there are some other areas you’ll need to weigh and make decisions about that you might not have thought of. Make Sure You Really Want One This may seem obvious, […]
October 23, 2019