
Navigating a Divorce During the Pandemic

Even as some of the stay-at-home restrictions ease, many parts of daily life are impacted by Covid-19. One significant disruption has been the operations of the courts and how disputes and issues are resolved. Even as things start to open back up, the courts will likely remain backlogged and slower than usual. However, this does […]

How to Choose a Real Estate Agent During Your Divorce

Divorce involves a lot of steps, including division of assets. One thing that may come up in your divorce is the sale of the family home, which can be a stressful and emotional process. During this time, it’s crucial you chose the right real estate agent to help you. Find an Agent You Can Trust […]

Property Division and Child Custody Differences in Same-Sex Marriages

While the divorce process basics are essentially the same for same-sex and heterosexual couples, there are some unique challenges that only same-sex couples will face. As the path to marriage and parenthood has evolved for same-sex couples over time, there are stipulations and laws that make getting a divorce a little more complex for same-sex […]

Adoption & Your Relationship: Considerations To Make Before Adopting

The adoption of a baby is a life-changing event for everyone involved. However, some people believe the happy new arrival will erase all of their pre-existing problems, but this is rarely–if ever–true. Adopting a baby actually adds an entirely new form of stress and also brings a lack of sleep as the new parents care […]

5 Options to Explore If You Want to Adopt a Child

Many people who are hoping to adopt feel as if they may not be able to because of the cost associated with the process, even though they are more than able to offer a loving, stable home to a child who needs one. Unfortunately, adoption is very expensive. There are many administrative and legal fees […]

3 Positive Changes You Should Consider After a Divorce

Even with civility among the parties, divorce can be disruptive. It prompts major life changes, from the altered shape of the family to a shift away from a joint couple identity to that of more defined individual identities. You are no longer sharing the responsibility for financial matters with another person, and your living space […]

Understanding Child Support Regulations

Going through a divorce is tough enough on its own, but it can be even more stressful when there are kids involved. As custody issues surface, a parent can be faced with only seeing their children half of the time or even less. Usually, the parent with primary custody receives child support from the other […]

Things To Consider Before Filing For Divorce

As you realize your marriage is ending, you may find yourself in a storm of frustration, emotions and stress. Everyone is going to have to adjust to new living arrangements and make decisions about property and money. The emotions that stem from these changes make it more difficult for spouses to understand or even just […]

Co-Parenting During COVID-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes to daily life, and it remains a danger around the world. For co-parents who are struggling to get along, a time of crisis like this can enhance the contentious dynamics in their relationship. Not only does this add unnecessary stress in uncertain times, but it can also have […]

3 Tips to Keep in Mind When Returning to the Workforce After a Divorce

When you are divorcing, income is naturally a big area of concern; a two-income household will now be down to one revenue stream. This becomes especially true if you have not worked full-time for a long period of time because you were a stay-at-home parent or you were supporting your spouse’s career. If you are […]