Yes, You Can Minimize Conflict During Your New Mexico Divorce
Divorce is a time of conflict. Whether your marriage is ending over a breach of trust, a major dispute or just irreconcilable differences, there is something keeping you and your spouse from resolving your marital issues. However, not every divorce has the same level of conflict, and you can minimize conflict during your divorce by […]
December 30, 2021
Do You Need to Switch Family Law Attorneys? 4 Questions Ask Yourself
Finding the right attorney for your family law concerns is crucial to the outcome of your case. With the right attorney onboard, you have the highest chance of the best possible outcome. Sometimes, people go with the wrong attorney at the start of their case and don’t realize it until some time has passed. Whether […]
December 23, 2021
Developing New Routines for Your Kids Post-Divorce
Children with divorced parents usually split their time between both households, with the exact time split dependent on the parenting plan. This often means that the children spend some weekdays and some weekend days with one parent and the rest of the time with the other. When your kids come back from their other parent’s […]
December 17, 2021
3 Ways to Wait Well During Your Adoption Journey
Anyone at the start or in the midst of their adoption journey knows that waiting is often one of the toughest parts. Whether you are waiting to be chosen by birth parents, waiting for the child to be born or waiting for the finalization of the adoption, it can be downright difficult at times. While […]
December 13, 2021
Can Your Spouse Really Hide Assets in a Divorce?
The hiding of assets in a divorce seems like something that only happens if the couple is really rich, as you may have seen in movies and on TV. However, a spouse may try to hide assets in any divorce situation simply because they want more to start their post-divorce life with and/or are angry […]
December 7, 2021
Facing Divorce: 4 Helpful Habits to Adopt Right Now
Whether you’re in the start, middle or end of a divorce proceeding, your life has likely been shaken, with your world left upside down. While divorce is often filled with uncertainty and emotions, there are also opportunities for you to grow and change. However you may feel about your divorce right now, take the time […]
December 3, 2021
Missing Visits With Your Child in New Mexico? What to Know
When you divorce or go through a child custody case in New Mexico, you receive a parenting plan that includes a schedule for you and your co-parent. If you or your co-parent frequently miss parenting time with your child, it can have serious repercussions. Common Visitation Right Violations Generally speaking, there are two major common […]
November 26, 2021
Pre-Divorce Prep: Getting Yourself Ready for Negotiations
No one gets married planning to divorce in the future, but once it becomes obvious that your marriage is over, it is time to prepare for divorce. A strong preparation is the only real way to position yourself for the best possible outcome in your case. You must know what assets are going to be […]
November 19, 2021
3 Signs It’s Time to Change Your Parenting Plan
As your children grow, they will need time to bond with their friends, time to spend with family members and time for other things as their lifestyle evolves. As your children enter a new school year, you may have considered whether your current parenting time arrangement is suitable any more given the changes in your […]
November 12, 2021
How to Strengthen Your Custody Case in New Mexico
In a custody case, many parents want to come out “on top,” so to speak. While the needs of the child are paramount in this situation, it is understandable that a parent wants to have the most time with their children and the most say over their upbringing. In addition, when a person gets primary […]
November 9, 2021