Have Your Children's Best Interest at Heart? 4 Reasons You Should Hire a Child Custody Lawyer for Mediation

hug-1315552_1920In custody mediation, you and the other parent work with an independent third party to resolve your disagreements and reach a compromise. If you’re successful, a custody and visitation order that reflects the terms you and the other parent came to is written out and presented to the judge to make it official.
The goals of custody mediation are to help you and the other parent make a parenting plan that is in the children’s best interest and allows the children to spend time with both parents. It’s also a time when both of you can learn how to deal with the resentment and anger your split has caused. The court will decide custody matters for you if you’re not able to reach an agreement in mediation, so you should hire Albuquerque child custody lawyers for the process to protect your rights.

You’ll know what your rights are

Your attorney can talk to you about all your rights and viable options before and after mediation meetings. This allows you to fully understand your rights and potential choices at every phase of the parenting plan’s development, ensuring the plan is something you can live with.

You’ll have someone to answer all your questions

The mediator in your case has to remain an independent third party, so he or she can’t provide you with legal advice or any form of counseling. While the mediator can answer some questions about the mediation process, you’ll be on your own for other queries unless you hire experienced Albuquerque child custody lawyers.

You’ll know what pitfalls to avoid

Your agreement needs to be something that the court will accept, and you also don’t want to accidentally infringe on your rights or make a crucial mistake. With an attorney assisting you, you’ll be able to avoid some of the common legal pitfalls of mediation agreements, such as unclear language and not covering all the bases.

You’re more likely to reach an agreement, and you’ll be prepared if you don’t

Ultimately, your attorney will work to help you develop and negotiate a parenting plan that you’re comfortable with. This is usually preferable to going to court, as once you’re there, a judge will decide the custody and visitation matters instead. Should you be unable to reach an agreement with the other parent, you’ll at least be prepared to go to court because you’ll have Albuquerque child custody lawyers on your side.