Checklist for Meeting With A Family Law Attorney

  • Write down your questions and concerns before the meeting.
  • Write out a calendar of what important things happened and when they happened for the attorney to review. The attorney will want to know the “high points” first and will then ask for more detail. The attorney will need to get the big picture first.
  • Know what your legal goal is. This is important. Some examples are:
    • My legal goal is to get a divorce and stay in my house.
    • My legal goal is to get more visitation time with my kids.
    • My legal goal is to defend myself against any accusation of domestic violence.
    • My legal goal is to change the amount of child support I am paying because I was laid off.
  • Ask the attorney for all possible options that can get you to your goal.
  • Ask about the cost of each option and the potential total cost for representation.
  • Ask what can affect the cost.
  • Ask about “wildcard” scenarios. What could happen outside of both you and your lawyer’s control?

If you have additional questions about family law, please contact the Law Office of Dorene A. Kuffer.