If you are a victim of domestic violence — or if you have been falsely accused of committing domestic violence — you need a family law attorney with experience in criminal cases to protect you and your rights. The Law Office of Dorene A. Kuffer in Santa Fe has compassionate, experienced attorneys who will act as your advocate with the courts.
Our domestic violence attorneys in Santa Fe can consult with you and explain all your legal options when it comes to extricating yourself from a violent domestic partner or spouse. Restraining orders, child custody and visitation, and other legal actions that protect you and your loved ones from an abuser are our specialty, not to mention protecting the rights of a person who is falsely accused of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence in New Mexico

Domestic violence impacts all different types of couples in the Santa Fe area, whether you are married to a spouse or living with a domestic partner. Your race, gender, economic status, age and sexual orientation do not matter — anyone can be a victim of a domestic violence situation. Violent home situations are often kept secret for far too long, because victims are ashamed to let others know about intimate family problems. The domestic violence attorneys at the Law Office of Dorene A. Kuffer will keep your case in absolute confidence and will work to protect your privacy rights as much as possible through this complex process.
Sadly, children are often caught in the middle of domestic violence situations. Our attorneys will help you to obtain a restraining order or protection order, so that the alleged abuser is not allowed near the family. In certain cases, supervised visitation with the accused may be granted by the courts.
What to Do if You Are Injured by Domestic Violence
If you have been battered by a spouse or domestic partner, the first thing you should do is contact Santa Fe law enforcement. Your safety needs to be the first priority. If you are able to, leave the home or apartment where the abuse happened; otherwise, have a trusted person stay with you until police arrive.
If you have been injured, seek medical attention. Have hospital or clinic staff take pictures of your injuries. Your attorney from the Law Office of Dorene A. Kuffer will be able to use the evidence from your medical records to build a rock-solid case and protect you from your alleged abuser.
As your attorneys, we will work with local Santa Fe law enforcement to put you in touch with domestic violence resources that can help. There are many nonprofit resource centers in Santa Fe and throughout New Mexico that assist victims of domestic violence. Having your living situation disrupted suddenly by domestic violence can be traumatizing for you as an individual or as a parent. Domestic violence agencies can help you put your life back together, even as our attorneys serve as your legal advocates.
False Accusations of Domestic Violence
People are falsely accused of domestic violence far more often than the general public realizes. It is extremely common in bitter child custody cases and divorces for one person to falsely accuse their partner of abuse. False accusations are also made as acts of revenge during a breakup, or simply for attention seeking from an emotionally abusive partner or spouse.
False accusations of domestic violence often fall apart when faced with robust legal opposition from an experienced attorney. Another issue with false allegations is that they often diminish the severity of real accusations — people sometimes don’t believe an abused person, because false accusations are so frequently debunked.
The most important thing that you should know about false domestic violence accusations is that they can ruin your professional reputation and cause you to face severe penalties. If an abusive spouse falsely accuses you of domestic violence and you do not fight the allegation, a court could take away your access to your children — even if you did nothing wrong! The Law Office of Dorene A. Kuffer will help you to defend yourself against these serious allegations.
Domestic Violence Lawyers in Santa Fe, NM
Domestic violence cases are complex in nature and there are a lot of different elements involved. Since domestic violence is always a crime, law enforcement will most likely be involved. If children are in the home, there may be New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Division (CFYD) agents involved in your case, in addition to hospital personnel and nonprofit domestic violence agencies. That’s a lot of moving parts to deal with when you are already struggling with the emotional and physical trauma of domestic abuse.
This is why you need a strong legal advocate in your corner. Our attorneys at the Law Office of Dorene A. Kuffer in Santa Fe have experience in both family law and criminal law. We will defend your rights before the courts and state agencies, and help to ensure the best outcome in your case — for you and your children. If you have been the victim of domestic violence, or if you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, contact our Santa Fe office today to schedule a consultation with one of our legal experts.