Category: Uncategorized

The Challenges of Divorce and Separation for Same-Sex Couples

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals in the United States already face many legal obstacles, despite the progress that has been made for the community as a whole in recent years. Especially since the Stonewall riots in Greenwich Village in 1969, LGBTQ+ Americans have fought to win civil rights pertaining to their employment, housing, and […]

Video – What Should I Expect in Divorce Court in New Mexico?

New Mexico divorce attorney Dorene Kuffer summarizes the real court experience, what is likely to happen, and the types of questions you’ll likely be asked: If you have questions or concerns about an upcoming or possible divorce in Albuquerque, contact the Law Office of Dorene Kuffer and schedule a consultation today – 505-924-1000

Are There any Requirements for how Child Support Should be Used in New Mexico?

What is child support based on in New Mexico, and how can child support money be used? I get this question all the time. Here’s the scoop: child support is not optional. It must be paid. It’s a formula. You put the numbers in the computer and out comes the amount of child support that’s going […]

What Should Child Support Be Used for or Pay for?

Albuquerque family lawyer Dorene Kuffer discusses what child support should be used for, and what the legal requirements around how this money is utilized are. If you have a question about child support, child custody, modifcations to existing agreements, or anything else divorce related, contact the Law Office of Dorene Kuffer at 505-924-1000

What Does it Mean to be Legally Separated in New Mexico?

What is the difference between legal separation and divorce? People come in to me all the time and say “I’m legally separated,” but in reality they’re not. All they are is just separated or living apart after they’ve decided they don’t want to be married anymore. Legal separation is a very distinct term and it’s […]

How is Alimony calculated in New Mexico Divorces?

In New Mexico alimony is based on the need of the person who receives the alimony. But before I get started, let me talk to you about the phrase that the New Mexico courts use. They use a phrase called spousal support, not alimony, but in reality it’s the same thing. What does the court […]

Video – What is Alimony Based on in New Mexico?

New Mexico divorce attorney Dorene Kuffer explains how alimony is calculated and awarded in Albuquerque, New Mexico: If you have questions or concerns about alimony or divorce settlements in Albuquerque, contact the Law Office of Dorene Kuffer and schedule a consultation today – 505-924-1000

What Does a Divorce Decree Mean in Albuquerque, New Mexico?

What is a divorce decree? My law office frequently receives calls from people wanting to know if they’re indeed legally married. They usually have lots of questions about the paper work that was filed and what it all means. Now, in the proceedings of a divorce, many, many documents are produced. You’ll be participating in […]

Can my Spouse Refuse a Divorce in New Mexico?

Because New Mexico is a no-fault state a spouse cannot refuse to participate or give you a divorce. If they don’t actually file the paperwork, or do the things that they’re supposed to do, the court will order the divorce anyway, that’s called a default divorce. Your lawyer will know how to get one of […]

How are LGBTQ+ divorces handled in New Mexico? Part 1

Now that same-sex marriage is in full-swing in New Mexico, my law office has been receiving lots of incoming phone calls about certain issues. I’d like to talk with you about a few of them here. The first question I get is: Do I have to legally adopt my child even though we’re married? Well, […]