Category: Post Divorce

Moving Tips After Your Divorce

No one enjoys moving, and it can be even more difficult when you’re moving because of a divorce. It can be sad to leave your former home behind, and the process of moving can be stressful. Luckily, you can prepare beforehand to make your move after a divorce less stressful and more comfortable. Get Rid […]

7 Moving Tips for Your Divorce

No one enjoys moving, and it can be even more difficult when you’re moving because of a divorce. It can be sad to leave your former home behind, and the process of moving can be stressful on its own. Luckily, you can prepare beforehand to make your move after a divorce less stressful and more […]

Post-Divorce Financial Management

A divorce or legal separation has an immediate impact on finances for both spouses in most cases. While you may know what to do during the divorce to keep the lights on, you will need to be prepared to take control over your money once the marriage is officially over. As you go through your […]

Updating Your Information Post-Divorce

Divorce is often financially and emotionally challenging, and you likely already know that. What you may not know is how to protect yourself from financial disaster, which could happen long after your divorce is final. What if an accident happens after your divorce and you pass away? You expected your children or another designated loved […]

3 Tips When Borrowing Money From Friends and Family

It is common for people to experience money trouble when they are preparing for a divorce or are in the midst of one. While there may be loans from banks and other institutions available to you for things such as education, a car, and your family law attorney’s fees, repayments to an institution can be […]

3 Post-Divorce Finance Tips

The end of one chapter in your life isn’t necessarily a bad thing–it can also present you the opportunity to start again and have an even better story. This even applies to divorce, although it can be a challenging and emotional process that leaves some people unsure about what to do next, especially when it […]

6 Ways to Heal After a Divorce

A divorce is more than just a legal process. It’s the end of a relationship and also a death of sorts–the life you had imagined with your spouse and the life you were living as a couple is now gone, and all you are left with is memories. As you work with your divorce attorney […]

How to Review Your Budget After a Divorce

When your expenses go up but your income drops, you’re left wondering how you’ll manage your budget after your divorce. A household that had two incomes is now down to one. If you make enough only to just get by each month, you’ll be unprepared for any unexpected or emergency expenses. With all the stress […]

3 Positive Changes You Should Consider After a Divorce

Even with civility among the parties, divorce can be disruptive. It prompts major life changes, from the altered shape of the family to a shift away from a joint couple identity to that of more defined individual identities. You are no longer sharing the responsibility for financial matters with another person, and your living space […]

3 Tips to Keep in Mind When Returning to the Workforce After a Divorce

When you are divorcing, income is naturally a big area of concern; a two-income household will now be down to one revenue stream. This becomes especially true if you have not worked full-time for a long period of time because you were a stay-at-home parent or you were supporting your spouse’s career. If you are […]