Category: divorce lawyer

How To Stay Organized During A Divorce

Being organized can be hard enough on a daily level, and it’s even more difficult for those going through a life challenge like a New Mexico divorce. If you are a parent, the effect divorce has on your ability to organize is amplified as now you have to handle legal, emotional and logistical shifts that […]

Protect Your Property and Money During A Divorce In New Mexico

One major concern for many divorcing New Mexico couples is how the money and property will be divided. This is only natural, as each spouse wants to protect their own financial health as they prepare to move on and they also want to keep the property they value the most. When you don’t have a […]

3 Tips for Co-Parenting Text Message Communication & Conflict Resolution

If you’re raising your children across two different households post divorce or legal separation, you know that consistent communication between you and your co-parent is incredibly important. When that communication breaks down, whether it’s because of a lack of or refusal to text each other, your children will be the ones who suffer the consequences. […]

Tips For Talking To Your Spouse Before Filing For Divorce

Talking to your spouse about your divorce before you file may seem like a tall order, but it’s the best way to go in cases where a person isn’t being subjected to emotional or physical abuse. Some people may tell you that if you file first, you’ll gain an advantage, but in reality, you may […]

Common Fears Children Experience When They Learn Their Parents Are Divorcing

When children are part of a New Mexico divorce, things immediately become more complicated. As a parent, you naturally want to calm your child’s worries, but it can be difficult to tell what your child actually knows about divorce. Their exposure so far in life may be limited to what they have heard from friends […]

How Divorce Impacts Your Credit

A New Mexico divorce impacts many areas of your life, from how you live each day to your financial situation. In fact, many people who are headed into divorce worry about their credit because it can often be ruined by actions you take during the divorce process. A divorce does not negatively impact your credit […]

Factors To Consider With A Military Divorce

Divorce in New Mexico can get complicated under the best of circumstances, and if one or both spouses are members of the Armed Forces, it can be even more complex. If you or your spouse are divorcing and one or both of you is in the military, it’s important to seek legal advice from an […]

Managing A Child's Healthcare After Divorce

A child’s health is always a significant concern for his or her parents. In a New Mexico divorce, the question of how to handle a child’s medical care should not be a mystery, but some issues surrounding it can cause confusion. It’s extremely important for you and your co-parent to manage healthcare decisions for your […]

Three Rules For Managing Family Plans and Information During Separation and After Divorce

When you have two separate homes during a separation period or post-divorce, managing family plans can get complicated quickly. Scheduling pick-up and drop-off times between both homes, deciding how holidays are going to work, and remembering all of the after-school activities and events your children have can be a lot to handle. On top of […]

Tips For Making Your Budget Work After A Divorce

A New Mexico divorce is going to involve and impact your finances, and it can bring some challenges and obstacles along with it. With the loss of one person’s income, you may really feel as if you’re living with much less, but you can use the tips below to save some money and make your […]